Management Team
Gerry Mooney
Kathy Byrnes
Bookkeeping – Kailyn Verity – Handles all financial responsibilities of the complexes including accounts payables and receivables, payroll, budgets and all documents pertaining to auditing procedures.
Housing Program Supervisor – Diana Rivera – Reports directly to management regarding legal and office procedures, including translation of documents. Responsible for receiving and documenting all maintenance requests. Answers inquiries pertaining to our call lists and waiting lists, prepares apartment lease-ups, move outs and annual recertifications for every tenant and all related HUD paperwork and reports.
Housing Program Specialist – Betsy Bambrick – The housing program specialist is responsible for issues pertaining to our call lists and waiting lists, apartment lease-ups, move outs and preparing annual recertifications for every tenant and all related HUD paperwork and reports.
Social Service Coordinator – Each complex has a SS Coordinator on staff who is there to help the resident navigate through their home and health needs and link the resident to the necessary services he or she may need.
Sabrina Brooks – Windmill I & II 631-527-7651 Marcie Chuquilla 631/324-6491 and Jennifer Barahona – St. Michael’s 631-267-5416
Maintenance Team – handle the day-to-day maintenance such as lawns, building upkeep, and apartment repairs.
Foreman – Cesar Gonzalez
Maintenance supervisor – Zach Bennett
Superintendent – Yudier Soca
Superintendent – Brian Byrnes
Onsite Personnel – has an apartment on the complex and handles any night or weekend emergencies, such as no heat or hot water, plumbing as well as medical emergencies:
Windmill Village I – Gerry Mooney
Windmill Village II – Cesar Gonzalez
St. Michael’s – Brian and Kathy Byrnes